Mouse Proofing & Removal FAQ’s
Rodent Extermination, Removal & Building Proofing
Does Baking Soda Kill Mice?
If you have a mouse infestation in your home, you may be wondering if there are any natural or home remedies to get rid of the pests. One such solution that has been discussed online is the use of baking soda to kill mice. But does it really work?
How to Get Rid of a Mouse Infestation: DIY vs. Professional Extermination & Removal
If you hear scratching in the walls at night, find holes chewed in the drywall, or spot droppings about the size of a grain of rice, you may have a mouse infestation in your home. While you may be able to take care of a small infestation by yourself, mice reproduce...
FAQ | Can Mice Climb Walls?
Can mice climb walls? This is a question that has intrigued many people over the years, and it's not hard to see why. After all, mice are known for their agility and ability to scurry across all sorts of surfaces. But can they really climb walls? In this article,...
Do you need to replace insulation after a mice infestation? FAQ
Do you need to replace insulation after mice infestation? Yes, in most cases, it's recommended to replace insulation that has been infested by mice. This is because mice can carry harmful bacteria and viruses that can contaminate the insulation and pose health risks...
Do Mice Like Cheese? Fact or Fiction?
Do mice really like cheese? Perhaps you've been trying to catch mice with cheese? Mice have long been observed to show a fondness for cheese, as evidenced by the many cartoons and films in which a mouse is depicted with a cheese wedge in its hand. However, the notion...
How To Properly Animal Proof Your Deck, Patio Or Stoop.
If you would like to animal proof your deck, patio or bay window from mice, chipmunks, raccoons, skunks and groundhogs, there's only one real way to do it. You'll want to trench the area you'd like to protect. What is...
What is the difference? Rodent Extermination vs Rodent Proofing
If you are confused about the difference between rodent extermination and rodent proofing, you're not alone! The truth of the matter is that you want the rodents or mice gone and you want them gone for good. One will give you the permanent results you're seeking,...
Can Rats Climb Walls?
You may be asking yourself, “If rats can climb walls, can they climb trees as well?” Of course! Rats are all-around great climbers. Their skills aren’t limited to walls and fences. Any trees that hang over your house or that touch the sides of it can also offer secret...
Do Cats Keep Mice Away?
Will mice stay away if you have cats? It’s a common belief that cats prevent or hunt mice in your home. However, this often isn’t true. Before you run to an animal shelter to adopt a cat, read on to learn more about the topic (including potential dangers, how cats could make your mouse problem worse, and alternative ways to deter mice).
Peppermint Oil For Mice – Does it Work?
There’s never a week that goes by that we don’t get this question. Does peppermint oil for mice really work? There’s the long version and a short version to this question.
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