Basement Rodent Cleanup Services

Complete sanitization and cleanup after the rodents are gone!

Mouse Poop Cleanup Service

Cleaning up after the job’s done!

We don’t just remove rodents and proof your home, we’ll clean up the mouse poop and nasty mess as well!

Areas offered for decontamination and cleanup include basements & crawl spaces only. We do not clean attics.
rodent cleanup

Cleanup of rodent feces and damage

Decontaminate & Mouse Poop Cleanup

If mice are living in your home or basement, they can possibly be carrying disease through feces, urine and damaged insulation. We offer services to thoroughly clean up the mouse poop waste and decontaminate the areas.

Areas We Clean

Areas that we clean include the basement and crawl spaces. Please note that we do not clean attics.

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Insulation Removal and Replacement

When handling basement insulation the replacement is something only a professional should do. There are dangers in removing contaminated insulation from a cramped basement and crawlspace areas. From disease to itchy insulation. This also includes mice that may still be living in the basement or crawlspace areas.

We will replace your basement insulation with either spray foam or fiberglass insulation.  We will inspect your insulation for integrity and recommend any replacement you may need.


Rodent Cleanup

When rodents move into a basement or crawlspace, they can cause a lot of damage. In addition to chewing holes in insulation, they will be able to access multitudes of areas, will tear up insulation in order to make their nests, and leave a mess of feces and urine behind. In addition to removing the pesky rodent responsible for the damage, we can help restore the structure of your basement or crawlspace to its original condition.  We do not open walls to get rodents out as we are not equipped for any drywall work. 

Other rodent removal companies may leave you with the aftermath, but we’ll take care of the rodent infestation problem from start to finish.

Call (847) 499-1008 For Service

Why Choose Us?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

mice hunters 12 month rodent removal warranty chicago

24 Month Guarantee

Professional Rodent Removal & Proofing

licensed rodent removal

2 Year Warranty Included

satisfaction guaranteed

Over 24 Years of Experience

licensed rodent removal service

Qualified & Licensed

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